Remote bridge

The remoteBridge submenu is used to register or deregister a remote bridge for a configured location.

Registering and de-registering

To register a remote bridge use storpool remoteBridge register <location-name> <IP address> <public-key> as shown in the example below:

# storpool remoteBridge register StorPool-Rome ju9jtefeb8idz.ngmrsntnzhsei.grefq7kzmj7zo.nno515u6ftna6

This will register the StorPool-Rome location with an IP address of and the above public key.

In case of a change in the IP address or the public key of a remote location, the remote bridge could be de-registered and then registered again with the required parameters; here is an example:

# storpool remoteBridge deregister
# storpool remoteBridge register StorPool-Rome 8nbr9q162tjh.ahb6ueg16kk2.mb7y2zj2hn1ru.5km8qut54x7z

A remote bridge might be registered with noCrypto in case of a secure interconnect between the clusters; typical use-case is a Multi-cluster setup, with other sub-clusters in the same datacenter.

Minimum deletion delay

To enable deferred deletion on unexport from the remote site the minimumDeleteDelay flag should also be set, the format of the command is storpool remoteBridge register <location-name> <IP address> <public-key> minimumDeleteDelay <minimumDeleteDelay>, where the last parameter is a time period provided as X[smhd] - X is an integer and s, m, h, and d are seconds, minutes, hours and days accordingly.

For example, if you want to register the remote bridge for the StorPool-Rome location with a minimumDeleteDelay of one day you can do it like this:

# storpool remoteBridge register StorPool-Rome 8nbr9q162tjh.ahb6ueg16kk2.mb7y2zj2hn1ru.5km8qut54x7z minimumDeleteDelay 1d

After this operation all snapshots sent from the remote cluster could be unexported later with the deleteAfter parameter set (check the Remote snapshots section). Any deleteAfter parameters lower than the minimumDeleteDelay will be overridden by the bridge in the remote cluster. All such events will be logged on the node with the active bridge in the remote cluster.

For more information about deferred deletion, see Multi site.

Listing registered remote bridges

To list all registered remote bridges use:

# storpool remoteBridge list
StorPool> remoteBridge list
| ip           | remote            | minimumDeleteDelay | publicKey                                               | noCrypto |
|  | StorPool-Rome |                    | nonwtmwsgdr2p.fos2qus4h1qdk.pnt9ozj8gcktj.d7b2aa24gsegn | 0        |
|  | StorPool-Rome |                    | jtgeaqhsmqzqd.x277oefofxbpm.bynb2krkiwg54.ja4gzwqdg925j | 0        |

Status of remote bridges

You can see the state of all registered bridges to clusters in other locations or sub-clusters in the same location:

# storpool remoteBridge status
| ip           | clusterId | connectionState | connectionTime      | reconnectCount | receivedExports | sentExports | lastError        | lastErrno               | errorTime           | bytesSentSinceStart | bytesRecvSinceStart | bytesSentSinceConnect | bytesRecvSinceConnect |
|  | d.b       | connected       | 2021-02-07 18:08:25 |              2 |               5 |           2 | socket error     | Operation not permitted | 2021-02-07 17:58:58 |           210370560 |           242443328 |              41300272 |              75088624 |
|  | d.d       | connected       | 2021-02-07 17:51:42 |              1 |               7 |           2 | no error         | No error information    | -                   |           186118480 |            39063648 |             186118480 |              39063648 |
|   | e.n       | connected       | 2021-02-07 17:51:42 |              1 |               5 |           0 | no error         | No error information    | -                   |           117373472 |              316784 |             117373472 |                316784 |

Initially added with 19.2 revision 19.01.1813.f4697d8c2 release.