
Snapshots are read-only point-in-time images of volumes. They are created once and cannot be changed. They can be attached to hosts as read-only block devices under /dev/storpool. Volumes and snapshots share the same name-space, thus their names are unique within a StorPool cluster. Volumes can be based on snapshots. Such volumes contain only the changes since the snapshot was taken. After a volume is created from a snapshot, writes will be recorded within the volume. Reads from volume may be served by volume or by its parent snapshot depending on whether volume contains changed data for the read request or not. For more information, see Volumes and snapshots.

Creating snapshots

To create an unnamed (known also as anonymous) snapshot of a volume:

# storpool volume testvolume snapshot

This will create a snapshot named testvolume@<ID>, where ID is an unique serial number. Note that any tags on the volume will not be propagated to the snapshot; to set tags on the snapshot at creation time:

# storpool volume testvolume tag key=value snapshot

To create a named snapshot of a volume:

# storpool volume testvolume snapshot testsnap

To directly set tags:

# storpool volume testvolume snapshot testsnapplustags tag key=value

To create a bound snapshot on a volume:

# storpool volume testvolume bound snapshot

This snapshot will be automatically deleted when the last child volume created from it is deleted. Useful for non-persistent images.

Listing snapshots

To list the snapshots:

# storpool snapshot list
| snapshot          |    size  | rdnd. | placeHead | placeAll   | placeTail | created on          | volume      | iops  | bw   | parent          | template  | flags | targetDeleteDate | tags      |
| testsnap          |  100 GiB |     3 | hdd       | hdd        | ssd       | 2019-08-30 04:11:23 | testvolume  |     - |    - | testvolume@1430 | hybrid-r3 |       | -                | key=value |
| testvolume@1430   |  100 GiB |     3 | hdd       | hdd        | ssd       | 2019-08-30 03:56:58 | testvolume  |     - |    - |                 | hybrid-r3 | A     | -                |           |

  A - anonymous snapshot with auto-generated name
  B - bound snapshot
  D - snapshot currently in the process of deletion
  T - transient snapshot (created during volume cloning)
  R - allow placing two disks within a replication chain onto the same server
  P - snapshot delete blocked due to multiple children

To list the snapshots only for a particular volume:

# storpool volume testvolume list snapshots

To list the target disk sets and objects of a snapshot:

# storpool snapshot testsnap list

The output is similar as with storpool volume <volumename> list; for details, see Listing disk sets and objects.

To get detailed info about the disks used for this snapshot and the number of objects on each of them:

# storpool snapshot testsnap info

The output is similar to the storpool volume <volumename> info.

Volume operations

To create a volume based on an existing snapshot (cloning):

# storpool volume testvolume parent centos73-base-snap

To revert a volume to an existing snapshot:

# storpool volume testvolume revertToSnapshot centos73-working

This is also possible through the use of templates with a parent snapshot (see Templates):

# storpool volume spd template centos73-base

Create a volume based on another existing volume (cloning):

# storpool volume testvolume1 baseOn testvolume


This operation will first create an anonymous bound snapshot on testvolume and will then create testvolume1 with the bound snapshot as parent. The snapshot will exist until both volumes are deleted and will be automatically deleted afterwards.

Deleting snapshots

To delete a snapshot:

# storpool snapshot spdb_snap1 delete spdb_snap1


To avoid accidents, the name of the snapshot must be entered twice.

Sometimes the system would not delete the snapshot immediately; during this period of time, it would be visible with * in the output of storpool volume status or storpool snapshot list.

To set a snapshot for deferred deletion:

# storpool snapshot testsnap deleteAfter 1d

The above will set a target delete date for this snapshot in exactly one day from the present time.


The snapshot will be deleted at the desired point in time only if delayed snapshot delete was enabled in the local cluster, check Management configuration for details.

A snapshot could also be bound to its child volumes, it will exist until all child volumes are deleted:

# storpool snapshot testsnap bind

The opposite operation is also possible, to unbind such snapshot:

# storpool snapshot testsnap unbind

To get the space that will be freed if a snapshot is deleted:

# storpool snapshot space
| snapshot             | on volume            |        size | rdnd. |      stored |        used | missing info |
| testsnap             | testvolume           |     100 GiB |     3 |      27 GiB |    -135 GiB |         0  B |
| testvolume@3794      | testvolume           |     100 GiB |     3 |      27 GiB |     1.9 GiB |         0  B |
| testvolume@3897      | testvolume           |     100 GiB |     3 |     507 MiB |     432 KiB |         0  B |
| testvolume@3899      | testvolume           |     100 GiB |     3 |     334 MiB |     224 KiB |         0  B |
| testvolume@4332      | testvolume           |     100 GiB |     3 |      73 MiB |      36 KiB |         0  B |
| testvolume@4333      | testvolume           |     100 GiB |     3 |      45 MiB |      40 KiB |         0  B |
| testvolume@4334      | testvolume           |     100 GiB |     3 |      59 MiB |      16 KiB |         0  B |
| frozenvolume         | -                    |       8 GiB |     2 |      80 MiB |      80 MiB |         0  B |

Used mainly for accounting purposes. The columns are as follows:


Name of the snapshot.

on volume

The name of the volume child for this snapshot if any. For example, a frozen volume would have this field empty.


The size of the snapshot as provisioned.


Number of copies for this volume or its erasure coding scheme.


How much data is actually written.


Stands for the amount of data that would be freed from the underlying drives (before redundancy) if the snapshot is removed.

missing info

If this value is anything other than 0  B probably some of the storpool_controller services in the cluster are not running correctly.

The used column could be negative in some cases when the snapshot has more than one child volume. In these cases deleting the snapshot would “free” negative space i.e. will end up taking more space on the underlying disks.

Snapshot parameters

Similar to volumes, snapshots could have different placementGroups or other parameters. You can use the following parameters:


Place all objects in placementGroup; default value: default.


Name of placementGroup for reader; default value: same as the value of placeAll.


Place the third replica in a different placementGroup; default value: same as the value of placeAll.


Place multiple copies on the same server.


Set a tag in the form key=value.


Use template with preconfigured placement, replication, and/or limits (check Templates for details).


Set the maximum IOPS limit for this snapshot (in IOPS).


Set maximum bandwidth limit (in MB/s).


Specify whether iops and bw limits ought to be for the total size of the block device, or per each GiB (one of “total” or “perGiB”).


The bandwidth and IOPS limits are concerning only the particular snapshot if it is attached and does not limit any child volumes using this snapshot as parent.

Here are two examples - one for setting a template, and one for removing a tag on a snapshot:

# storpool snapshot testsnap template all-ssd

# storpool snapshot testsnapplustags tag key=

Also similar to the same operation with volumes a snapshot could be renamed with:

# storpool snapshot testsnap rename ubuntu1604-base


Changing the name of a snapshot will not wait for clients that have this snapshot attached to update the name of the symlink. Always use client sync for all clients with the snapshot attached.

A snapshot could also be rebased to root (promoted) or rebased to another parent snapshot in a chain:

# storpool snapshot testsnap rebase # [parent-snapshot-name]

Remote snapshots

In case multi-site or multicluster is enabled (the cluster has a storpool_bridge service running), a snapshot could be exported and become visible to other configured clusters.

For example, to export a snapshot snap1 to a location named StorPool-Rome:

# storpool snapshot snap1 export StorPool-Rome

To list the presently exported snapshots:

# storpool snapshot list exports
| remote                 | snapshot    | globalId    | backingUp | volumeMove |
| StorPool-Rome          | snap1       | nzkr.b.cuj  | false     | false      |

To list the snapshots exported from remote sites:

# storpool snapshot list remote
| location | remoteId | name      | onVolume | size         | creationTimestamp   | tags |
| s02      | a.o.cxz  | snapshot1 |          | 107374182400 | 2019-08-20 03:21:42 |      |

Single snapshot could be exported to multiple configured locations.

To create a clone of a remote snapshot locally:

# storpool snapshot snapshot1-copy template hybrid-r3 remote s02 a.o.cxz # [tag key=value]

In this example, the remote location is s02 and the remoteId is a.o.cxz. Any key=value pair tags may be configured at creation time.

To unexport a local snapshot:

# storpool snapshot snap1 unexport StorPool-Rome

If you need to swam the remote location you can use the all keyword. The system will attempt to unexport the snapshot from all location it was previously exported to.


If the snapshot is presently being transferred then the unexport operation will fail. It could be forced by adding force to the end of the unexport command, however this is discouraged in favor to waiting for any active transfer to complete.

To unexport a remote snapshot:

# storpool snapshot remote s02 a.o.cxz unexport

The snapshot will no longer be visible with storpool snapshot list remote.

To unexport a remote snapshot and also set for deferred deletion in the remote site:

# storpool snapshot remote s02 a.o.cxz unexport deleteAfter 1h

This will attempt to set a target delete date for a.o.cxz in the remote site in exactly one hour from the present time for this snapshot. If the minimumDeleteDelay flag (see Minimum deletion delay) in the remote site has a higher value (for example, 1 day), the selected value will be overwritten with the minimumDeleteDelay - in this example 1 day. For more information on deferred deletion, see Remote deferred deletion.

To move a snapshot to a different cluster in a multi-cluster environment (see Cluster):

# storpool snapshot snap1 moveToRemote Lab-D-cl2


Moving a snapshot to a remote cluster is forbidden for attached snapshots. For more information on snapshot moving, see Volume and snapshot move.