OnApp Integration


The StorPool OnApp integration code will be installed by StorPool support team after the initial setup of the node.

Acceptance tests

1. Test that proper CPU and RAM are reported to OnApp for each hypervisor

From OnApp Web interface Select Dashboard -> Compute Resources, then check the available CPU cores and RAM are the same as the configured in machine.slice in the node.

From command line in the node:

export PATH=/usr/local/lvmsp:$PATH ; /etc/snmp/xm_info.sh

Example output from a twelve core node with 192GB RAM and machine.slice limits:

distro: centos6
release:    2.6.32-642.3.1.el6.x86_64
machine:    x86_64
nr_cpus:    20
cpu_mhz:    2000
cores_per_socket:   1
threads_per_core:   2
total_memory:       189440
free_memory:        189415
cores: 10
hv_tools_version: 4.2.0-9
The test is successful if:
  • The node has the same amount of CPU/Hyperthreads as isolated in the machine.slice cpuset cgroup settings applied.

  • The Total RAM is the same as configured in machine.slice memory.limit_in_bytes (and memory.memsw_limit_in_bytes)

2. Test creating a VPS


This test could be performed only from the OnApp Web Interface.

Prerequisites - The new hypervisor should have configured network and some of the already configured StorPool datastore(s), without them creating the VPS would fail.

  • Open Virtual Servers menu -> Either click on + sign or Create VPS

  • Select a Template (for example CentOS7) -> Select Next

  • Set Label and hostname (e.g. centos7-test) -> Set a password -> Select Next

  • Select the newly configured hypervisor from the drop down menu -> Select the configured StorPool Datastore -> Select Valid Network configuration -> Select Next

  • In Recipes select Next directly

  • Confirm and Create Virtual Server

  • Wait for the VPS to be fully deployed -


Without valid network configuration the deployment process will stall at recipes.., wait until an ‘X’ becomes available on the transaction icon to cancel it in these cases.

The test is considered successful if the VPS is running on the selected hypervisor on top of StorPool volumes.

3. Test live migration between two nodes with StorPool

Select Dashboard -> Then Virtual Servers - Select the name of the VPS created earlier (e.g. centos7-test) -> Open the Tools drop down menu -> Select Migrate Virtual Server -> Select some of the other hypervisor configured with StorPool -> Select Start Migration

The test is considered successful when the VPS is running on the selected hypervisor.

4. Test resizing a volume for a VPS

Select Dashboard -> Virtual Servers -> Select the name of the VPS created earlier (e.g. centos7-test) -> Select Storage drop down menu -> select Disks. Click on the settings gear drop down menu for the root disk and select Edit. Change the size up and select Save the disk. Wait for the resize operation to finish.

The test is successful if the server is back up with the new size of the selected drive.

5. Test adding a volume as a drive for a VPS


Proper network configuration and ssh access to the VPS are recommended for this test.

Select Dashboard -> Virtual Servers ->Select the name of the VPS created earlier (e.g. centos7-test) -> Select Storage drop down menu -> select Disks. Select Create Disk -> Select the configured StorPool ‘Data Store’ -> Choose Size -> Turn on Hot attach, Require Format Disk and Mounted -> Select Add Disk and wait for the disk to be attached to the VPS

Test is considered successful with the new drive successfully attached and accessible in the VPS.

6. Test shrinking a volume used as a drive for a VPS

Select Dashboard -> Virtual Servers -> Select the name of the VPS created earlier (e.g. centos7-test) -> Select Storage drop down menu -> select Disks. Click on the settings gear drop down menu for the secondary disk and select Edit. Change the size down and select Save the disk. Wait for the resize operation to finish.

The test is considered successful if the server is back up with the new smaller size of the drive.

7. Test backing up a VPS (only in cluster with available backup server configured with StorPool OnApp integration)

Select Dashboard -> Virtual Servers -> Select the name of the VPS created earlier (e.g. centos7-test) -> Select Backups. Take Backup.

Test is successful if the Activity Log have a successful state for taking the backup for this VPS.

8. Test restoring a VPS from backup (only in cluster with available backup server configured with StorPool OnApp integration)

Log into the VPS and create a file in the root filesystem, e.g.:

dd if=/dev/urandom of=/testfile bs=1M count=100

Select Dashboard -> Virtual Servers -> (only in cluster with available backup server configured with StorPool OnApp integration) -> Select Backups.

Find the backup created in previous step and select its gear drop down menu -> Select Restore -> Select Confirm.

The test is considered successful if the server is back up and running without the file created earlier in the root filesystem.

9. Test removing a volume configured for the VPS

Select Dashboard -> Virtual Servers -> (only in cluster with available backup server configured with StorPool OnApp integration) -> Select Disks.

Click on the settings gear drop down menu for the secondary disk and select Delete -> Select Destroy Disk

The test is considered successful if the disk is no longer mounted in the VPS and is removed from StorPool.

10. Test undeploy/deletion of the VPS

Select Dashboard -> Virtual Servers - Select VPS name created in 1. -> Select the Tools drop down menu and then Delete Virtual Server.

The test is successful if the VPS is no longer running on the HV and its volume or volumes are successfully delete from StorPool.