Node maintenance
When you want to mark a node that it would be unavailable for a certain period of time you can set it in maintenance mode. You can do this before performing any operation that would interrupt or affect services on the node, for example reboot or hardware maintenance.
Setting maintenance mode for a node prevents all expected alerts from being raised by the system (see Monitoring alerts). This excludes cluster availability threatening alerts, which will still be raised even if the node or the whole cluster is under maintenance. The mode has the following benefits:
Allows automating most checks that services can be stopped or restarted without impact (which otherwise need to be done manually).
Allows only for a limited amount of nodes to be under maintenance at the same time, performing some safety checks before enabling it.
Provides a quicker way of synchronization between the customer and StorPool support on routine maintenance work.
You can enable this mode using the storpool
command, as described in
Maintenance mode.
More information
Maintenance mode is available starting with release 19.1 revision 19.01.1025.0baac06a6.