Known issues and FAQ

Known issues

Unable to Delete VM - logical volume(s) not found

The issue is described in the Onapp Cloud Knowledgebase article Unable to Delete VM - One or more specified logical volume(s) not found.

The solution, that is provided by OnApp will work after enabling the StorPool integration on the shell session by exporting the path to the integration before issuing the lvcreate command:

export PATH=/usr/local/lvmsp:$PATH
lvcreate -L1G -n yyyyyyyyyyyyyy onapp-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Frequently asked questions


Support for CloudBoot clients (also known as SmartServers) is not available with the native StorPool protocol and StorPool-OnApp integration, due to the many operational compatibility issues that might arise from such configuration. Only OnApp KVM Static Boot hypervisors can be connected to StorPool using the StorPool native protocol and the StorPool-OnApp integration (with separate volume per virtual disk).

The best alternative is native iSCSI and volume export for all CloudBoot clients managed by OnApp as normal LVM. The iSCSI support in our latest releases improves the performance of the native iSCSI target, which is now near identical compared to StorPool native with the recommended settings.

The only downside of using iSCSI instead of StorPool native protocol are the lack of end-to-end data integrity (checksums) from the target to the initiator and the direct correspondence between a virtual disk and a StorPool volume (LUN), available only with StorPool-OnApp integration and static hypervisors. What is gained with the iSCSI approach for OnApp Smart Servers is the lack of StorPool code on the hosts. This means no cgroups, kernel parameters, and no StorPool dependencies to install and maintain (which is hard to keep up to date, especially with the CloudBoot/SmartServer case).