Fault sets

The fault sets are a way to instruct StorPool to use the drives in a group of nodes for only one replica of the data if they are expected to fail simultaneously. Some examples would be:

  • Multinode chassis.

  • Multiple nodes in the same rack backed by the same power supply.

  • Nodes connected to the same set of switches.

To define a fault set only a name and some set of server nodes are needed:

# storpool faultSet chassis_1 addServer 11 addServer 12

To list defined fault sets:

# storpool faultSet list
| name                 |                                  servers |
| chassis_1            |                                    11 12 |

To remove a fault set:

# storpool faultSet chassis_1 delete chassis_1


A new fault set definition has effect only on newly created volumes. To change the configuration on already created volumes a re-balance operation would be required. See Balancer for more details on re-balancing a cluster after defining fault sets.