Testing a StorPool drive
This procedure describes how to manually test a StorPool drive marked for testing by StorPool as per the disk-to-test monitoring alarm.
Put node in maintenance
Set the server on which the disk is physically mounted in maintenance mode with:
# storpool maintenance set node <nodeId> duration 15m description testing_disks
Perform test
Check disk’s server instance
Check if the disk that needs to be tested is the only one in that server instance.
# storpool_initdisk -l
/dev/sda2, diskId 111, version 10009, server instance 0, cluster xxxx.x, WBC
/dev/sdb1, diskId 112, version 10009, server instance 0, cluster xxxx.x, WBC
/dev/sdc1, diskId 113, version 10009, server instance 0, cluster xxxx.x, WBC
/dev/sdd1, diskId 114, version 10009, server instance 1, cluster xxxx.x, WBC
This is an example of a single disk /dev/sdd1, diskId 114
in server instance 1.
No single drives on server instances
If there is more than one disk in that storpool_server instance, you can trigger the disk testing using the following command:
# storpool disk <diskID> eject test
Single drive on server instance
To invoke a testing procedure in case of a single disk in a server instance, follow the steps below (example for disk 114(/dev/sdd1) running on server instance 1):
You need to stop its storpool_server instance first.
# systemctl stop storpool_server_1.service
Mark the disk for testing.
# storpool_initdisk -r --test-override test 114 /dev/sdd1
Start the storpool_server instance again.
# systemctl start storpool_server_1.service
Validate result
Disk comes back
In both cases, if the disk comes back into the cluster after the test, that means it passed the testing. You can now complete the maintenance mode with:
# storpool maintenance complete node <nodeId>
Disk doesn’t come back
In case the disk does not come back into the cluster, verify the reason in the logs. If the drive doesn’t pass the tests, move on to removing the drive from the cluster, or if you have spare drives, proceed as described in Removing and re-balancing out.