Maintenance mode

The maintenance submenu is used to configure one or more nodes in a cluster in maintenance state. A couple of checks will be performed prior to entering into maintenance state in order to prevent a node from entering maintenance in case it has one or more live server instances in the cluster, when for example the cluster is not yet fully recovered or is with decreased redundancy due to other reasons.

A node could be configured in maintenance state with:

# storpool maintenance set node 23 duration 10m description kernel_update

The above will configure node ID 23 in maintenance state for 10 minutes and will configure the description to “kernel_update”.

To list the present nodes in maintenance:

# storpool maintenance list
| nodeId | started             | remaining | description   |
|     23 | 2020-09-30 12:55:20 | 00:09:50  | kernel_update |

To complete a maintenance for a node:

# storpool maintenance complete node 23


All non-cluster threatening issues will not be sent by the monitoring system to external entities. All alerts will still be received by StorPool support and will be classified as “under maintenance” internally, while the node or the cluster are under maintenance mode.


Any alerts that are cluster threatening will still send super-critical alerts to both StorPool support and any other configured endpoint. For details, see Severity levels.

Consider that a full cluster maintenance mode is also available. For more information on how to do this with storpool mgmtConfig maintenanceState, see Cluster maintenance mode.